Most of us have had to file an auto insurance claim at some point. Here’s a look at the most common reasons that people end up filing a claim.
- Fender benders: Minor accidents that cause very little damage and no injuries are the absolute most common reason for auto insurance claims. These kinds of claims can actually increase your premiums, so it may be best to settle them on your own and pay out of pocket if possible.
- Whiplash or back injuries: Your spine is very delicate, especially the tiny vertebrae in your neck. The sudden jerking motion caused by an auto collision results in back injuries both mild and severe, and these can be expensive to treat.
- Windshield damage: Your windshield can be damaged by anything from road debris to an accident. Generally your auto insurance will cover this repair for free, since driving with a cracked windshield poses its own dangers and can even contribute to an accident.
- Theft and vandalism: Though car theft is on the decline, it’s still a significant source for car insurance claims. Vandalism also accounts for a large number of claims. Talk to your insurance agent to find out if you get discounts for installing alarm systems or other security features.
- Animal collisions: You might think these accidents happen only in rural areas, but the reality is that animals can enter the roadway even in the most urban areas. Hitting a large animal like a deer can total your car.
You can greatly reduce or eliminate your risk for many kinds of car insurance claims. For tips on reducing your rates and lowering your risk of auto accidents, talk to a qualified auto insurance agent.